Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Actually, TFP is all about providing evidence and links. You should know that the rest of the membership is going to call you on an outrageous claim if you fail to follow it up with peer-reviewed research and links to said research.
Come on - "outrageous" claim? That's a pretty strong word! If so many health concious people didn't agree I would say the position may be a little unusual but in fact it is quite common.
Main Entry: out·ra·geous
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)au̇t-ˈrā-jəs\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a: exceeding the limits of what is usual b: not conventional or matter-of-fact : fantastic
2: violent, unrestrained
3 a: going beyond all standards of what is right or decent <an outrageous disregard of human rights> b: deficient in propriety or good taste <outrageous language> <outrageous manners>
And here's the link since it's so important to you:
Also, I see many, many opinions bandied about on TFP. They don't support these opinions with peer reviewed research and links. In fact, most of what I see on TFP is opinion backed up by other opinion. This isn't some college class, it's a board. Hell, even the supposed peer reviewed links, etc., are internet links and we all know how trustworthy the internet can be. You can even fabricate links to publications like the Journal of Medicine and other publications.
I would have to say lighten up a little.