actually, Addington was pretty straight about this when he was grilled last month, I forget by whom. He has a real attitude problem - even over the videotape you could smell his contempt. But the answer he gave was on the money: all the executive power, one president. The questioner wasn't smart enough to ask the next question, which is, "how broad is that executive power and what oversight ability/responsibility does Congress have?" But Congresscritters not being smart enough is not a new development.
In actuality it's not quite as clean as I was suggesting - there are certain executive functions that can be split off in certain circumstances (see, e.g., Morrison v Olson) - but as a general proposition it is absolutely true that the president is the repository of the executive power. How that fits with, say, independent regulatory agencies (as opposed to regulatory agencies that are in the executive branch) is a different question. And of course all this tells you nothing about the content and scope of that power.