Originally Posted by Seer666
thanks for the vote of confidence. It's hard as hell not to stress to much though. maybe I should take up yoga or something. Been a hairs breath away from killing one of my coworkers all day. Of course, I end up wanting to kill this guy at least once a week. This last week has been trying though.
You don't work for the government do you?
Regardless, co-workers can make or break a job for me. I had a better time flipping burgers at Wendy's and cleaning toilets in the Navy then I did at my last assignment with the State of Oregon. Was there for five years, five of the longest years of my life. Mainly because of one co-worker, though she had two friends (least they thought they were friends, the shit she said about them when they were gone... gez, don't even get me started.) The group of them made everyone else's life miserable, IMHO. Prior to that I worked out of another courthouse where everybody clicked. Worked there nearly three times as long, those years flew by.
Plummie's probably right about the yoga. I've never done it. But I think any type of exercise helps with stress. If nothing else get a heavy bag, some gloves and beat the crap of it a few times a week.