God bless you for waiting!
Only you can set your limits. I am a big fan of rules and limits for a lot of stuff in the beginning stages of dating, (when you get serious stuff changes). Anyway sounds like you had a limit of "Waiting to have sex until I am married" but then you decided to be more liberal, but how liberal. You didn't set up a new limit, that is why you are confused now. I would recommend waiting for love, and how do you know you are in love, trust me you'll know. Or you can wait until your entire being cries out for a girl and just kissing her sets your loins aflame. But the bottom line is set a limit and stick to it, and don't think about the current girl while you are setting that limit. Then after you have committed to it, tell her what it is. If you get there with her great, if not great too-because that means you are now free to find the right girl for you.
IMO once you have given it up, it becomes harder to say no in the future. So to avoid sleeping around a lot, wait to sleep with the one you really want.
BTW, if you had to ask on this post, then she is not the right girl or at least not yet. If she doesn't like that than she can go find someone else, plenty of girls would love to be with a man with convictions who values sex as an expression of love and unity rather than just a physical act.
FYI my hubby was a virgin when we hooked up and I was, and still am, a sex addict, not like diagnosed or anything. Anyway, we had a strong connection that I can't fully describe, but we had intimacy before we had sex. We waited until he felt ready and we felt like we were truly in love. I don't ever regret waiting for him, and I never pressured him. There are times I wish I could say he was the only guy I had been with since he can say I was the only girl he'd been with, but by in large I don't think about it, I just enjoy what I got, a great man. We have been together 13 years!
Yes you can get off on the same sexual experience for 24 full hours!!!!!