So i'm not 40, but here's the deal...
When i was younger, throughout high school, i was very religious, very set on "waiting until i was married." I dated a girl for a year and a half who felt the same way, it was an awesome relationship, no complaints, no regrets. When i went to college (we broke up) i dated girls here and there, but nothing ever seemed to stick more than a couple months. During this time i expanded my ideas and my beliefs to a much more broad, big-picture faith instead of being so focused on "obeying the rules" of christianity. However, despite this change, i still told myself that i wasn't going to "give it up" to just anyone, and since i hadn't had a serious relationship since high school, it wasn't really ever something i had to come to a decision on.
After 6 years of college i moved, got a job, and for the past year and a half (basically) i had been dating a pretty religious girl who is set on not having sex until she's married. Once again, sex wasn't something i had to make a decision on because it just wasn't going to happen (and i didn't have a problem with that).
WELL... after a bout with singleness, i've been dating this new girl for a month or so, and sex is now something i have to make a decision on. She has pretty much said that she needs to have sex in a relationship as part of feeling emotionally committed to me. I've thought, debated, tried praying (but i unfortunately have too much religious structure in my head that equates talking to God with "just keep your pants on") and i know that i don't feel like i need to wait until i'm married anymore. But now i don't know WHEN. Every time i think about actually having sex i get this feeling of "i've waited so damn long, am i just going to give it away so easily now?" No matter how i cut it, i can't get that out of my head.
I'm obviously not going to decide whether or not to sleep with a girl based on what a bunch of strangers on the internet say, but as a product of our modern society i am open to input from the peanut gallery, especially anyone with similar experience. thanks!