Oh, of course. Pre-invasion Iraq is not comparable to South Africa or Brazil - those cases bear more resemblance to Libya. I would not wave my hands at the nuclear material - it has some significance. It is merely one piece of evidence (among many) that Saddam was deliberately confounding the inspections regime, a fact which is not in serious dispute. Most likely he wanted what any leader in his position would want, which is to keep the stuff around either to restart the program at a later date, or to bargain it away for something more valuable in future negotiations, or to sell it, or simply to satisfy his own ego.
This has some bearing on any evaluation of the original decision to go to war, but I fail to see why it is earth-shattering, unless we learn something that indicates that a nuclear program was active in 2003.
And even then, it wouldn't a priori make the course we took the best possible course.