Eat up! Enjoy!! Make sure the chemical and pharmaceutical companies marketing this crap in order to line their pockets make tons of cash and line the pockets of the politicians. Sign up for their great marketing efforts. Buy the story.
While you're at it, buy some (non-organic) antibiotic laden milk or hormone infested chicken. Perhaps some beef grown on a farm with both ingredients, all of which were trucked miles and miles to reach you from the industrialized meet factories. Sustainability at its finest based on slight reinvestments of the money your offer them like tithes at a church.
Our food system is so corrupt because of money (thank you, Wall Street) it isn't even funny. I've been around long enough to have experienced the subtle changes and don't need studies to see what is obvious.
Make room for the intelligent survivors of the world.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.