Spoiler: I am actually kinda sad that Dalek Caan is dead... Yeah he kinda went coocoo for cocoa puffs, but he was a Dalek that had thousands of lives in the time vorex to watch over and over the horror of the Dalek race. He went beyond his programming to get back at them. Why he brought Davros back after deciding the Dalek race must die, is beyond me (coocoo for cocoa puffs, remember).
However, now imagine what the Daleks could become if Daleks like Caan and Seth (the human Dalek) were to make the new Dalek race?
Imagine those flying pepper pots---now with an egg-beater to go with their plunger. Disgusting, I know, but they'd be the must have friendly home companion of the universe: cooks, cleans, and peppers your food!
In addition:
Spoiler: Anyone else notice the slight cannon conflict: the Doctor was already stated to be half human in the 1996 movie, which as far as I know, is cannon with these new seasons. If it is not, we ought to have a an extra Doctor regeneration.
So if he was already half human, and then metashifted with Donna, wouldn't he be 3/4 human then?
Last edited by Hain; 07-06-2008 at 05:03 AM..
Reason: Automerged Doublepost