I've had an opportunity to pick up Wii Fit, and I'll say that I was only a little impressed. Well, it's not good, but it's definitely not a disappointment, and if people can stay committed to using it, they could really benefit from it. The games are fun, but don't help in terms of fitness (I absolutely kick ass at the soccer one). The exercises are good and, if done properly, work out your core muscles really well.
I'd personally rather be outside running around or skating on ice over working on core strength at home on my Wii. However, both of those activities (exercising outside and using Wii Fit) are different from each other. And if you're going to do yoga or push-ups at home, using the Wii Fit is almost better than doing it yourself. I find that Wii Fit keeps your pace up and pushes you to go to your limit. On top of that, Wii Fit provides some nice incentives like the bank system, more difficulties, high scores, and new activities. Well, you could slack off and go at your own pace if you wanted to, but who wants to look like a balance noob? Do you often trip over your feet while walking?
Overall, I had very low expectations for Wii Fit, especially considering the price-point. However, it's proved to be pretty enjoyable and also beneficial to those who stick with it. Monitoring your weight and BMI allow you to see your progress and shoot for your goal. So I guess whether it's worth it or not depends on how much you play it and how disciplined you are... but I suppose that's the same with any game you get =P In my opinion though, for its price, Wii Fit is still not worth it. But hey, if you have the extra cash clunkin' around, it might be worth while.