Originally Posted by dksuddeth
anyone with intelligence
This is a pretty bad way to start a post. It assumes that your way is the intelligent way and anyone who disagrees is unintelligent, which isn't the case. Demonstrate that you're the most intelligent or that your point is correct.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
knows that criminals will prey on people, weapons or no, and that a persons ONLY defense against a determined criminal with a gun is??????to have a gun.
Criminals break the law, they do not necessarily prey on anyone. Using the correct definition of criminal, a person who breaks the law, everyone from a jaywalker to people who engage in oral sex in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia and Washington D.C. Who, I wonder, is harmed when a man goes down on a woman in our nation's capital? No one, of course. So no, not all criminals prey on people.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
now, you're premise that guns only allow a person to play god is wholly without a rational basis, considering that there are 80 million gun owners and 200 million guns. if your argument was even remotely correct, we'd be truly awash in blood. you're also broadly painting the typical gun owner as someone who merely wants the ability to have power and control over others. nothing could be further from the truth in reality.
Guns allow people to play god in that they can take a life with it. Some people are responsible with the power and some aren't. Or are you under the impression that there is no gun violence in the world? It's unfortunate that you try to pepper your posts with things like "wholly without a rational basis" and "nothing could be further from the truth in reality". When you end up being wrong, it makes you look pretty bad.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If guns are a continual path of escalation, the arms race of people vs. criminals that i've heard you speak of, why on earth would you surrender to the criminals?
This is a false choice. "Buy a gun or surrender to criminals" ignores other defensive measures. I have security doors and safety windows. For the same price as a gun and some ammo you could have a security door, too. But what kind of power does a defensive tool like a security door allow? None, really. A gun on the other hand, as an offensive weapon, is great power.
Not only that, but it ignores the reality that most people that never take any steps whatsoever to prevent being victimized by "criminals" go their entire life without being victimized. People on TFP have attested to this elsewhere. I'm sure you've seen Bowling for Columbine, yes? In Canada, many people don't lock their front doors. Has there ever been a high crime rate there? Of course not. In fact, Canada is multitudes safer than the US.