I'm not going to waste time looking up crap to prove a point. I don't save what I learn about in case I need to prove a point to someone. Do what you want. As others have said, you don't have the glycemic issues with honey, pure maple syrup, agave and molassis, to name a few sugars
And by the way, honey in a plastic wrapper at KFC is a processed food. And don't get me started on plastics - what they do to your body and the amount of oil they require to produce.
Eat all of that stuff you want. As for me I'll stick with organic which isn't loaded with pesticides, antibiotics and other choice ingredients big business adds to cut costs and make money. You might as well spray Raid over your grill when you are cooking out to keep flys away if you dump on organic foods.
Survival of the fitest. Quality of life. Are you willing to take chances?
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.