Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I'm a recent college grad, and I gotta say, the pickings are slim in the local job market, and my childcare work has definitely taken a hit. More and more families are staying in instead of having a night out. There is just literally nothing out there, not even fast food jobs; I've applied for one job that would be my "dream job"...cross your fingers. I consider myself lucky that it was even open. Otherwise I'm going to be holding out for August when the university/local school district start really hiring in preparation for the next school year.
Exact same boat. I really hope the apps I have out right now land me something because if not I'll be amongst everyone else desperately trying to land a job in August.
Halfway done with my masters, I really don't feel like flipping hamburgers at Burger King or making Chicken at KFC (literally the only jobs I've found open currently.)