Originally Posted by spindles
I clearly remember the "on the rails" DM - who was a mate of one of my brothers. He had dialog all planned for when we walked into the first hallway (which was full of water). There was a switch to drain the passageway on the far side, and a trap under the water.
What happens? Magic User pulls out some walk on water spell and the entire first hallway 'script' went out the window.
I guess the point is he was too organised and a whole pile of how he thought the first encounter would go went straight out the window.
Anyway, I guess I'm echoing the "roll with how the players want and improvise if needed" idea.
That sort of stuff happens all the time with our group too. But, I think it's easier for a DM that's new to be over organized than under.
We turned a simple trap into an hour of strategizing and thought when it was meant to take 15 minutes. As players we tend to over think things sometimes. I sometimes think the DM is just out to get us so we have to REALLY think about things, when in reality, I should just roll with it at times.