07-03-2008, 10:27 PM
#15 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Heh, we'll have a girl player in this group, but we'll have her boyfriend too....
How much time do you spend planning the campaign? I know that my boyfriend spends hours upon hours doing it. I'd suggest spending more time on it, then the detail will come.Meh, I know I didn't spend enough time on my first attempt. I'm going to spend way more time this round. I'm actually reading the DMs Guide right now to ensure more of the rules and mechanics stick. I've always wanted to write a fantasy novel; this will be the closest I'll get for now. I'm pretty gung-ho about building something elaborate. Hours, indeed. I'm not sure how you set up your campaign, but my boyfriend, and our DM has a blank book that he writes all of his information in. It's really helpful for him because he can label everything and has an index.I'm thinking of either having a blank "journal" or using my Macbook. I don't want the Macbook to be distracting, so I'll see how it goes. I might use it for music and sound effects, though. Oh, and a "DM" screen from the d20 files. I think that just comes with time and experience. If anything, just read the PH and DM Guide over and over. You'll eventually remember stuff so you don't need to look it up.I plan on it. As mentioned, I'll have the d20 files on my Macbook, and they're 3.5 compatible. Fully searchable databases will be good... maybe...again, if it's not distracting. I don't know what to do about this, because I don't know the people you play with. My group jokes around a lot but we're all fairly mature so we know when to stop. If anything, our DM just lays down the law and tells us to stop and continue.I plan on having more structure. I will need to play this by ear, I think. I will let people have their fun, but I will also have ways to reel them in, eventually. Is it wrong to reward XP for players who lead by example? Look into how they like to play, maybe you're campaign just didn't suite them enough to keep their entire interest? Maybe ask them about what kind of campaign they'd like?I set up a Facebook group for this very purpose. I posted a number of discussions related to what they want in a campaign and how to form meaningful characters, etc. It's good for coordinating sessions to, I'll bet.... Generally, I was very unprepared; I was lazy and eager to play, which is a bad combination for this kind of game. I'm a details guy when I get the ball rolling, so all I need is some inspiration. I'm totally going to do this right this time. 
Well it sounds like this time, you'll have it all under control! 