.So you will be getting the shipper's fee and the rent fee together.You will just deduct your rent fee and keep remaining money for the shipper till the shipper comes to deliever my things
Specifically, a variation on a type of Nigerian scam known as the "Violin Teacher."
Person "A" advertises item/service "1"
Person "B" answers ad. Correspondance ensues, and Person "B" offers to pay, usually by certified check or money-order.
Person "A" thinks this sounds great, since such a thing should be virtually foolproof.
Person "B" then explains that a larger-than-needed payment will be sent in this way, and that Person "A" should deduct their payment from the total, the balance to be held/sent/wired to a third party, usually a shipping or travel agent.
Person "A" agrees, gets the check, and does the whole deal. Takes their cash, sends the rest onwards.
At this point, everything's fine until about 2-4 weeks later, Person "A" discovers that the check/money-order was a fake, sometimes an exceptionally good one. They discover this when the Police knock on their door to;
1: Serve them with papers because the bank that cashed the check wants their money back, and/or
2: Arrest them for fraud, check kiting, wire fraud, or any of a raft of charges that could come their way thanks to having been an unwitting part in a sophisticated check-kiting scheme.
It turns out that the "Bank" was a skilled forger in Lagos/Prague/Moscow/Guadalajara, and the "shipping agent" is the forger's cousin. This Nigerian/Czech/Russian/Mexican fellow -has- his money of course, because Person "A" sent it to him...but the Police and banks have no way of even verifying this, much less getting the money back. The bank, therefore, wants -all- their money back from Person "A". With fees, court costs, interest, etc...this can sometimes be tens of thousands of dollars. And of course, Person "A" could always end up in front of a meanass DA who wants another notch on his belt and gets them sent to jail.
I ran into this scam while working in Prague a while back. The DEAD giveaway is the larger-than-requested check with instructions to hold the difference until some unknown third party requests it.
Scam, scam, scam.