Hi, I have been with the same guy for 13 years, the last 7 of which we have been married.
Before we got married we had sex like animals every time we saw each other, which was one long sex fest weekend every month, due to going to different colleges.
After we got married, it was obviously more often and we were both very busy starting our careers which was our main focus, I guess.
As time has gone on I miss it more and more, anywhere from once a week to 3 times on a good week is what we are running now.
I want more! What is wrong with wanting to have sex everyday????????
I tell him often that my only complaint about our sex life is that we don;t do it often enough. It never happens two days in a row. WTF.
We have two toddlers that drag down our energy, but really they are more my responsibly than his. He has a desk job and doesn't work long hours, so its not like he's been working his ass off in a factory all day and is truly overworked.
Am I crazy to want to have sex everyday after 7 years of marriage?
Is it crazy that I get sad when he says he's "too tired" and I gotta go without.
I didn't think guys got too tired for sex, he's in his early thirties for F*** sake.
I need to know what other married, or long term live ins have to say about this am I asking too much?
Should I just be happy that the sex is awesome when we do have it?
Or should I just masturbate beside him in bed and give him the choice whether or not to join in?

(Been thinking about trying this.)
Sorry so many questions, but I certainly need help with this issue.