Originally Posted by ratbastid
That's one of those self-trolling thread titles, isn't it?
A quick search shows 126. Until you read the other 120, this thread is partisan spam. There are some fluff "honor the service of X" resolutions, but lots on meaty policy issues.
ratbastid, I've never observed you posting criticism of the way a thread critical of Bush or republicans is TITLED, you seem dismissive of any criticiam of Obama, legitimate, or less so. Don't you think it would be better to actually discuss issues raised, point by point? You haven't even attempted to do that, so why not start with a reply to this post:
It should be easy for you, if you are correct, to skewer any of the arguments critical of Obama, no matter how the thread they are posted in, is titled? Shouldn't it? Or...is that not the problem?
gone after me personally, you use the tactic of lumping all threads critical of Obama, as "trolling", but you have not argued the actual points that I have rasied? Why is that? Are they too strongly supported, or are you confident that simply marginalizing the messenger is a better strategy than debating the points raised?