Any advise on being less sexually driven?
I think it's pretty safe to say that for most of my life I've never really been sexually driven.
That's not to say I don't like sex. I love sex. But, it's just never been the main drive of getting to know or talk to people.
Now, at different periods of my life I've been quite fit and healthy, and that attitude never really changed. Until recently.
In the last few months I started riding into work. Rising fuel costs have meant public transport patronage has spiked in my city, and that basically squeezed me out of catching public transport most mornings. The best alternative was to start cycling.
The problem is, I'm fit again. You might ask why that's a problem. Well, for the last year I've been very unfit, smoked too many cigarettes and too much weed, and drunk waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much booze... And wasn't that sexually motivated.
However now I'm fit, barely drink a fraction as much, rearly smoke, and all round, feel fantastic physically. But this has obviously done something to my body because I don't I've ever felt this horny in my life. Seriously, I'm ready to slay a population of millions with my meat sword.
Currently my only way to deal with it is to ride it out...... but that kinda makes it worse.
Now due to certain life style choices, I'd rather not give in and fuck anything that moves. So my question to you is, do you know of a way to stay fit and healthy, but tone down your sexual drive?
It might sound like a fucked up question, but I'm particularly choosy about who I share my body with and while I'm not sharing it, I'd rather just get on with things and not worry about sex.
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