Breasts feel and respond defferently during pregnancy and breatfeeding then any other time in a woman's life. Some woman who are lactating (producing milk) love having their breasts stimulated and having the milk expressed as a sexual act, other woman feel uncomfortable with it both physically and emotionally. Most woman don't know how they feel about it until they go through it. When I was pregnant and feeding my first child, my husband was terrified of my breasts, he was too afraid that the milk would get on him or in his mouth. Ahhhhhhhh, prior to that they had been a big part of our relationship. With our second child he did better (but I think that was because he missed my breasts since we had the kids back to back). I found, like many other woman that I have talked to, that it is a huge turn on.
WARNING: Breastfeeding woman often shoot milk out of their breast when they have orgasms. Totally freaked my hubby out the first time around, solution, sex with a bra on! (Have some male friends that find it a huge turn on though!)
Yes you can get off on the same sexual experience for 24 full hours!!!!!