read me please! this is important for us.
please read this. important to this thread!
lets say 1yr =365 days and 1month = 30.4days.
Us: 2yrs (365+365) +6months -12 days.
we've been 900.4 days running.
we at 14556post
14556 / 900.4 = gives us 16.16 posts per day.
they(word ass): 5yrs(365 x 5) + 3months -19days.
they've been 1897.2 days running.
them at 18570post.
18570 / 1897.2 = gives them 9.78 posts per day.
we're almost doubling them as far as speed here folks!!
so to continue, if we were to reach 20,000 posts at our current speed,
it would take us:
20000 - 14556 = 5444 / 16.16 = 336.881 day. so in almost 1 year, we'll reach 20,000 posts.
the others given the same goal would reach in:
20000 - 18570 = 1430 / 9.78 = 146.21 day. which is half of us. so they'll reach it faster but
if they can't keep up our speed of posting, we might reach the same goal faster or atleast at the same time
as them.
Last edited by MexicanOnABike; 07-01-2008 at 12:19 PM..
Reason: more super important information!!!!!