Originally Posted by pan6467
At least McCain shows he is willing to work with the Dems. McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman......... where is Obama-(R)?
Pan, if you go to
The Library of Congress you can easily search for the bills that Obama has co-sponsored. Many, many of them have Republican co-sponsors. I started to compile a list, but it because tedious becuse
there are so many.
Here are two WaPo articles that talk about his performance in the IL state legislature. Again, solid records of bi-partisan work, including one bill that was passed unanimously.
This one is anecdotal.
This one is "news".
Here's a quote from Republican State Senator from IL, on
the Fox website, of all places:
“People on both sides of the aisle would find him to be someone who would reach across to find out why people think the way they do,” said William Mahar, a former Republican state senator. “He wouldn’t talk just to people who agreed with him.”
In short, I think that your perception of Obama as a legislative unilateralist is unfounded.