Originally Posted by pan6467
What exactly are Obama's qualifications?
Qualifications to choose a vip? Wel, he's the Democratic nominee. He needs to pick one.
Originally Posted by pan6467
At least McCain shows he is willing to work with the Dems. McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman......... where is Obama-(R)?
How well did compromising with Republicans go for Hillary Clinton? Not well. Obama isn't stupid. He knows that Democrats want a Democratic leader, not some weak Republicrat who compromises on those ideals and values that liberals and progressives hold dear.
Originally Posted by pan6467
My prediction: Obama is more of a divider in this country than W and his VP is ruined politically.
This is, of course, based in nothing. Based on polling and statistics (a.k.a. the evidence available), Obama is not a divider.