Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Clarke is definitely better than Webb, both in terms of credentials and in terms of being a good candidate. That said, I think it's fair to take him out of the running at this point, since Obama has denounced Clarke's (100% correct) remarks.
The really sad thing about the whole Clarke thing is watching the interviewer being astonished at the idea of what Clarke is saying. It's not like Clarke was trying to diminish McCain's past, but being president does not involve flying a jet and being tortured. It's a totally different role, and just because McCain managed one doesn't mean he's fit for the other.
What exactly are Obama's qualifications?
At least McCain shows he is willing to work with the Dems. McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman......... where is Obama-(R)?
I used to be a proud Democrat because the party had shared the same values and ideals I did. But not Obama, not the current crop. The current crop is as far left as the Neo-Cons went right. Does the Democratic Party really want to sell it's beliefs to the far left and go so far left that just as the Neo-Cons chased out their moderates the "Progressives" will chase out theirs?
Obama's VP better be a moderate and wisely chosen. One who is a uniter, not a divider. It probably won't matter as the office is nothing really except a tie breaker in the Senate if need be or a heartbeat away from President.
My prediction: Obama is more of a divider in this country than W and his VP is ruined politically.