Originally Posted by cybermike
Oh, I didn't doubt your numbers. I was just stating that Hunter's Burst damage is no where near what it was pre-bc especially considering we're 10 levels higher.
Hunters are under-represented in EVERY bracket. Paladins are only under-represented in 2v2. Druids and Shamans do have talent specs that not only make them really good for PVP, but also makes them desired as team mates. You won't see any serious team spamming LF hunter.
Paladins are rare in 2v2 and 3v3 above 17-1800. They find a spot in 5s simply because resto druids dont hold up so well there. Holy spec obviously, Ret would likely never find a 5s group and they enjoy the smaller brackets more anyway.
For Druids and Shaman, they each have two specs that dont show up that often, and even resto Shaman can be gibbed by a couple dps pretty easily.
Hunters and Paladins have yet to receieve their talent tree layouts for wotlk, so I guess
we will see where they end up.