Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
To be fair, neither dispel nor aimed having an MS effect nor deadzone removal were things any hunters asked for, and none of them really have anything to do with our arena problems. Cybermike outlined it pretty well above, and you're absolutely insane if you think BM is a good arena pvp spec. It works pretty well in BGs, certainly, but it's a death wish in anything above 1600 arena.
The problem with hunters is we have to play with healers and we have to drain to be successful, which leads to long, unfun fights with lots of running around like an idiot and micromanaging drinking and your pet. We're poorly represented above 1800 in all sizes of arena and, given how much attention blizzard is giving arenas, it'd be nice to have a shot at them without dealing with that garbage.
Uh, I'm pretty sure the Deadzone issue has been argued since...well, release. Not in this thread necessarily but on the WoW forums, definately. Dispel and MS I have personally never seen even suggested before they were given to Hunters, which was kind of my point. Instead of slightly tweaking what you had, and making sense, they just grabbed a handful of abilities and threw it to you. However I'd take the "handful of legos" approach instead of being stagnant for the entire expansion (Hello Holy Paladins).
As far as being under-represented, you can easily say that about several classes, like Paladins, Enhancement Shaman/Ele Shaman and Balance/Feral Druids just depending on the bracket and spec I suppose.
(Mike, the 2800 crit was before Burning Crusade. It was an aimed shot crit for 2800 followed by an auto-shot for 1800. I think my Rogue had maybe 4k hp back then with the Warlord PVP stuff. Hunter was using all Nax stuff I believe. The number is accurate though because it was a real "What the fucking fuck" moment for me.)
Like I said before, Hunters aren't OP, but they shouldnt have so many varied class mechanics. They should have kept the same theme of ranged damage without the secondary effects.
Side note:
Things in Alpha are subject to change, true, but just because its an Alpha doesent mean they wont make it to live. I really hope
# Sudden Death (new) - Your melee critical hits have a 10%/20/30% chance of allowing the use of Execute regardless of the target's health state.
...never sees the light of day.