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Old 06-29-2008, 11:03 PM   #2483 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
Apokx, I think you have a few misconceptions about Hunters. BM is the worst Arena tree. You're giving 30% of your damage to a zero Resilience 6k HP pet and all you're getting is 18 seconds of CC immunity every 2 minutes. BM hunters rely heavily on Steady shot to DPS which requires them to stand still and shoot uninterrupted which is impossible to do in arena. With No Pushback protection, even attempting a steady shot is going to get you killed.

The only way my hunter is critting anything for 2800 is full raid buffed and target debuffed is a trinketted Aimed shot which is impossible to do on a rogue because he's either invisible or behind me shivving me with crippling poison. I'm BM with only 2piece T6 though, I guess it could be possible for a buffed MM hunter. I'd have to check my friend's MM hunter's WWS report to see what he's critting for raid buffed.

LOS in arena actually helps good Hunters. Only bad hunters are complaining about LOS issues because they want to do what they do in PVE and that is stand still, use their highest DPS shot rotation to burn the other guy down. They PVP as BM and complain on the forums the first time a rogue vanishes the entire duration of their Bestial wrath.

Arcane Dispel was a band-aid fix. It wasn't well thought out and now mages and Locks are getting their shields turned into physical buffs to counteract it. Can't explain that buff..

Mortal Strike was kind of needed because we just don't have the burst damage to bring down a healer. It's very hard to use. It's vulnerable to spell pushback and has a 3.5 second cast which means it's use is very limited. I'd definitely prefer is it was an Instant cast, no damage 50% healing reduction shot.

As for Traps in combat, You do know that every class can see traps now right? They used to be invisible and have quite a large range. Now you can see then and be nearly on top of them before they'll trigger. Not to mention there's a hidden 2 second cast timer. I was playing my warrior today and this hunter placed a trap and I ran around it without triggering it for over 30 seconds before some other warrior charged in and hit it. I had a good chuckle :)

Welfare 2hander, It's no more of an upgrade from Legacy than the PVP throwing axe/wand was compared to whatever wand/throwing axe people used. Being that it's only 3.0 speed you're not even getting good raptor strike crits from it. Heck, for serious Arena Two 1handers with 30int each are better anyways. Well, We get those "free" in Season 4 too.. Combined stats aren't as good as S3 Axe though, Just get 2x 30int buffs.

The difference between a good hunter and a great hunter is hundreds of DPS. You'll consistently see the best hunter on top of the DMG charts in raids and you'll see the not so great hunters pushing around 6-8th even through gear is roughly equal. I don't think removing the the interrupt from steady is going to make hunters easier. We already spam 1 button for our DPS. It's is increasing out damage done which sounds good but considering this is Alpha in WOTLK it means nothing because everything is due to be rebalanced. It removes the haste cap and it removes latency as a variable.

In PVE everyone has 1 button they spam. Raiding isn't about maximizing or working in complex damage dealing rotations anymore. It's about not standing in fire, and doing whatever gimmick that you're supposed to do in a fight. There are few DPS races in TBC.

In PVP, Hunters are one of the hardest to learn classes simply because our role is not the same are our PVE role. In PVP we must play defensively and we MUST play with a healer if we're expected to make it high in the arena. Like I said before, We cannot burn classes down especially in an arena environment. We win by outlasting. We have a bunch of cool tricks like Scatter shot and silencing shot but after you use them, you just can't burn anything down before they're broken and they get a heal off. We almost have to rely on our sub-par mana drain if we wanna get past 1600 rating.

I didn't play a hunter much pre-bc but it really didn't seem that much harder, just keeping shots on cooldown and actually being able to weave an aimed shot between auto shots.. lol.. Now Aimed resets the autoshot timer so shooting in a shot rotation is BAD.

Wow.. That's alot of text. Please keep in mind none of this was flaming your opinions about hunters or anything like that, I was just trying to explain hunters to you from my point of view. This isn't the WOW forums ya know :)
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