Originally Posted by dc_dux
The latest GAO report which evaluated the "surge" and its lack of success in meeting its stated goals was last week.
I haven't seen this report. Let me take a look at it and I'll comment on it.
New international NGO reports on the status of Iraqi refugees and the deteriorating health conditions of Iraq children were also from earlier this year.
Iraqi refugees living where? In the US? In Europe? This is not an effort related to the military success in Iraq.
The latest survey of Iraqi citizens in which a majority blame the US for the deteriorating state of conditions in Iraq was in March.
I'm not familiar with this survey either. If you have a link to it, I'd like to see. Regardless, these survey of Iraqi citizens are very skewed. Reason being they change their stances daily. And based on what group of Iraqis you ask, their opinions are widely varied. If you ask Sadr-ists, they're going to say negative things about the US because al-Sadr tells them these things.
The bottom line is, the state of conditions in Iraq are *not* deteriorating.
Bush refused to declassify key judgements of recent NIE perhaps because they concur with the 2006 NIE which declared Iraq a "cause celebre" for terrorists around the world and a spreading jihadist movement as a result.
Well it's pure speculation, which is pointless to discuss if neither of us have access to the true contents.