Originally Posted by BadNick
Thanks, ring. So from that I see that "Vegemite is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacturing, and various vegetable and spice additives."
So if it's made from beer related ingredients, it must be good.
When I was 6 years old, I was in a first grade class with the daughter of an ambassador (or some such globetrotting functionary). To broaden the horizons of us heathen, she brought in some vegemite for show & tell, which was duly spread on bread and passed around for sampling. 32 years later I am still trying to get the taste out of my mouth.
By products of beer manufacturing are what is left after all that is good is removed (that would be the beer). The spent grains, I am told, make excellent hog and cattle feed. Apparently the yeast is good for preventing Australian global domination. (Actually, the only thing the yeast is good for is making MORE BEER!) Spent hops are only good for poisoning dogs. (Seriously, gives them arrhythmia and keels them right over. And, much like anti-freeze, raisins, and chocolate, dogs love them.)
Incidently, urine is made from beer related ingredients.
/ I'm a curmudgeon in the morning.
/ And the evening.
/ Most of the day, really.