Hi All
i guess this is my formal introduction on TFP.
My name is DivasToy and like the name says, i am Diva's Toy. i'm very new to TFP and found you guys by way of Diva. (Diva is/was a lurker on TFP).
A little about myself. i am a slave in a D/s relationship so you will find that some of my grammar, capitalization and sentence structure will reflect my current lifestyle choice. When i refer to My Lady, Mistress Diva, i always do so in caps as a sign of respect to Her. References to myself are always in smaller case unless i am using my proper (nick) name. i also use W/w and U/u when referring to U/us or W/we in any lifestyle or formal context as a show of respect for O/our relationship and, as someone pointed out, it does look as if i have an online stutter.
i don't ask that anyone else use this grammar unless they want. i only ask that you respect my right to do so. i'll try not to make my posts difficult to read.
Anyway, i'm into philosophy, martial arts, religeon, buddhism, physics and astronamy, bdsm, sexuality and almost anything that isn't too dry.
After going through some of the posts on your site and reading through the policies i have to say that i'm pretty impressed so far.
So, for better or worse, here i am.