Originally Posted by Bear Cub
I will say that I don't cook much, but I never really had the time or the need to. I need to get back to eating healthy again, and I've got a lot more time on my hands, so I'd like to learn some simple healthy recipes. I see a lot of salad and chicken in my future, though I would like to try some ceviche recipes, etc.
Buy big packs of chicken breast when it's on sale, split it into single servings and freeze all but one or two. Do the same with 93% lean chopmeat if you like beef, and buy steak when it's on sale and you want it in the next few days. Also get fresh peppers when they're on sale, chop them up, and freeze them. Everything else is better fresh, but those keep well frozen.
Grill, broil, or pan fry chicken or beef with various ingredients and you'll have a lot of options.