Plus, what in hell would cause our civilian militia and police to turn against their own citizens, parents, brothers, sisters, etc and supress them?
Orders to that effect.
Edited to add; the Unorganized Militia would not turn on the People. The Unorganized Militia -is- the People. The Organized Militia, on the other hand...orders to that effect.
Do you really think Bush could get people to obey the orders of pacifying an american town or city in this day and age?
Ask the people in New Orleans who had their guns taken away and pets shot by the Los Angeles P.D., the 82nd Airborne, and those scumsucking Blackwater pukes. Ask the FLDS parents who woke up to M113's coming up the driveway. Ask Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris, ask Kenyon Ballew's wife, ask anybody who's ever had their shit kicked by a cop because they were black/white/rich/poor/smelly/female/gay/etc.
There's your answer.