Originally Posted by noodle
my dad called me "moo" from the time i was really little.
now, of course, it's a bit annoying to have to explain why your family makes cow noises at you when it really has nothing to do with cows.
and i really don't know where it came from.
I had a friend named Julia in High School, and her family called her Ju which was often mistaken for "Jew" when they were in public. One of the funniest things I ever saw was walking in the local farmers market (which is incredibly popular where I live; like religion) on a saturday and having Julia's parents yelling "Hey! Jew! Jew, come here! Jew!" hahahahahaha. The expressions were priceless.
Originally Posted by Martian
You're named after two guitar brands. I'd call you Duncan. And nobody would know why.
I've been playing guitar for most of my life, or at least longer then I remember, and I've gotten that my whole life. "Why do you play a Martin when you could play yourself". Clever.