Originally Posted by Miss Mango
Are people that freaky that there has to be rules about making phone calls? What if either person isn\\\'t a phone person? Is there a set of rules for seeing the person again as well?
Im a fan of playing things safe, but people that think the way youve explained act out in ways that would give me a bad vibe. They dont necessarily do bad things, but they walk around like they are on eggshells which would be enough for me not to put any further effort into the person as who wants somebody that acts like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs all the time? Its not a obvious stress, but it would certainly act like a energy sucking vacuum.
If a guy is that uncomfortable with himself, he needs to face the beast and mirror, kick himself in the ass and deal with it. Once hes wrapped his brain around his issues and is actively doing something about them, then that tension that scared girls away to begin with will settle and he won\\\'t have to drunk dial or otherwise. Bitching, whining and complaining while out with the boys on a Friday night is not actively fixing the problem, its simply bitching whining and complaining.
While Im at it, what is it with guys that think they are mind readers? I dont know which is worse, Mr. Fix Everything or The Self Proclaimed Mind Reader.
The Fix It guy doesnt understand that sometimes we gals dont want a fix, we just want sounding board. He doesnt hear that though because his brain is too busy with Must fix this problem mode. Then there is the mind reader that thinks he has the women in his life all figured out only to find himself being told to go shove his head up his ass because he too doesnt listen. He doesnt go into the fix it camp though. Hes too busy telling everybody what they think about things which may or may not include himself.
It doesnt take long to figure out which camp a guy falls into. All one has to do is shut up and listen, which brings me back to the original subject of this post. Phone calls are a great way to get to know a person and usually reveal a lot more than a face to face conversation in the whole courting game.
Humans are not complicated, they make themselves complicated...
Three paragraphs in and I find myself wondering what the hell you're talking about. Care to explain? And as far as I've understood, the rule doesn't apply to men only.