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Old 06-26-2008, 06:39 PM   #10 (permalink)
Sauce Puppet
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I would normally not plan on going in the middle of winter also (unless planning a ski vacation), but there are various reasons why I can't go earlier, or won't go later.

a) I just started my job, by the time I can take vacation it will be November, and everyone who has been here longer than myself at work has already requested from the week before Thanksgiving till the week after New Years. Basically leaving me hung to dry for those months.

b) I'm in Iraq. Considering I will not be able to take a vacation until almost 9 months of being over here I am not willing to postpone the trip as I have others planned, and generally around 6 months is when you hit that period of getting really really sick of being over here, so by 9 months a cold rainy vacation will probably be appreciated.

c) Like I said, it's not necessarily a sight-seeing vacation. It's more of an opportunity to get with my girlfriend for a few weeks without one of us being jetlagged from 18-24 hours on planes. I'd go elsewhere in the world, but the cost of flight nearly doubles.

If it rains, we'll make use of the bed/hotel/villa we have. If it snows, I'll be happy as can be. If it's sunny, spectacular! I'm willing to hedge my bets. Right now, we're leaning toward flying into Florence, and hanging out in Tuscany (maybe a trip to Greece for a few days).

Hain, what were those hotels you would re-frequent?
In the Absence of Information People Make Things Up.
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