Originally Posted by CandleInTheDark
I sure find it offensive to sit on the bus, or wait in line, and hear someone use those words in the course of a conversation. When you use one of the seven every other sentence, it is quite obvious you have no sense of propriety.
Swear words as such because they provide emphasis, like an exclamation mark. If I ended every sentence with one it would lose its effect. No one needs to hear you yelling every word and no one needs you to say fuck or shit every sentence.
That is my viewpoint as well.
Swear words, if used as simple adjectives and just thrown in randomly, are offensive, and so they should be. So they were designed to be. They should be saved, like big guns, for when they are needed to really rock someone back. Otherwise they seem pointless and make me think less of a person who is so verbally challenged in the act of making their point.