Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I do know police and no they won't.
I know police, and they would at the drop of a hat. Of course, San Jose police work in a city with a lot less drug use than, say, NYC, so they may be able to use their time to prevent little crimes since there are so little big crimes.
That being the case, it'd probably be good to know where Lube lives.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Maybe it's that way in podunk San Jose or Santa Cruz, but it's not that way in major metroplitans.
San Jose is the 10th largest city in the US. We're more than twice the population of New Orleans. But don't worry, I have enough respect for you not to suggest you're talking out of your ass. That'd be really rude and a big red herring.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
You are talking out your ass as an assumption that the police will pay mr. cocainehead a visit because of an anonymous phone call about someone being a cocaine USER that isn't violent or a direct or immediate danger to himself.
And you know he's not dealing how? And you know he's not violent how? Seems to me that you're making an awful lot of assumptions here. Maybe you should leave the investigating to the police.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I will state it very clearly. Will you have NO IDEA what you are talking about and are talking out of your ass. It may be your opinion but it isn't based on an reality or facts.
Ad hominem and red herring.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
As a person who speaks with addicts, drug counselors, and police on a regular basis, the police are going to do nothing with that phone call.
The only time that the police will do anything is if the individual is a DIRECT and IMMEDIATE threat to someone or themselves.
Which, again, is something you really don't know. If there's a chance that he's a danger, though, do you really think it's your right to possibly put other people in danger because you're not sure?