Originally Posted by Plummie
Thanks for the link, Sweetpea! My weight has always been an issue with me, ever since I can remember. It fluctuates a lot because I go through phases where I am exercising a lot and eating right to where I feel like doing nothing and eat whatever I want. I have a wardrobe that ranges from small-med-large, I refuse to throw out clothes because I know I will fit them again someday. I gained some pounds in college that I am still trying to lose.
Started Weight Watchers a couple weeks ago and am now doing yoga and pilates. I've lost three pounds but I still have a long way to go. I'm hoping I am able to stick with yoga for the long haul, because my biggest hurdle is not weight loss itself, but weight MAINTENANCE. That the is part I seem to fuck up on every time I lose a lot of weight. The weight eventually creeps back on over a few years and then I start the cycle all over again. I can't just stay skinny. That is so aggravating to me. I know it's all about lifestyle changes, but that is so much easier said than done (especially in this day and age of excess food and sedentary jobs)! This time around, once I reach my goal weight, I will be on a Weight Watchers maintenance plan and probably for the rest of my life. Daily yoga should help me keep it off, too.
It definitely will. One of the benefits to yoga is the mindfulness aspect of it--you're much more aware of yourself, how you are are holding your body, how you are breathing, how you feel. Plus, it's something you can do anywhere, any time. It has helped me so much that I feel like I've become a yoga evangelist, promoting it to others, but it seriously turned my life around. I used to be horribly inflexible, but now I can actually touch my toes--that's a huge accomplishment for me.
Plus, it corrected a number of my posture problems--also a great benefit; one of the reasons I look like I lost so much weight is because I'm finally standing up straight!