abaya I have seen your photos and you have a very perfect body. When thinking about how you will look later in life, you said the women in your family tends to carry weight?? Well then yes, more then likely it will be hard for you, but you lead an active lifestyle. That in itself says a lot and will help you tons in the future.
ngdawg I said at that weight I FEEL FAT not that anyone who weighs that much is fat. I know a lot of it is in my head BUT my head and my body need to be on the same page otherwise the balance is all off for me. Does that make sense?
Oh and when we were out of town a couple of weeks ago I actually saw a man walking around that was so obese he had to lean backwards when he walked. He had to do this because his stomach was sticking out of the bottom (leg part) of his shorts!! I have never in my life seen something like this in person. Now that made me feel skinny as fucked up as that is.
Last edited by *Nikki*; 06-25-2008 at 06:33 PM..
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