I am a traditionalist - go through the chain of command. Tell your immediate supervisor clearly, succinctly, and with specific examples of fucked-up work. Make sure there is absolutely no hearsay. Everything you tell your supervisor must be either backed up or could be sworn to first-hand in a meeting with upper management. Remember, this is actionable in a court of law, people sue people, careers get ruined and lots of money can be at risk. Business types get pretty damned antsy when it comes to money.
Mention you are concerned and want to get this cleared up but feel you need to go through the process of accountability - you talk to your boss, he talks to his boss and so on. Mention casually that it would be nasty if some anonymous bastard sent out a blanket company-wide email about this shit and it really should be handled professionally, and you trust your boss will carry the ball from here. Then forget about it (excepting the gossip at the cooler, but you personally ought to keep comments to a minimum).
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
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