Thread: Guns at work
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Old 06-25-2008, 06:24 PM   #122 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
heh, in my personal experience, I have worked with a dude who carried a loaded .22 Derringer in his jeans pocket every day. probably loaded w/ hollow points.
I'd trust him w/ my life and I did. since I work w/ metal in a shop and in the field I need to trust my co workers with my life. guns or no. if I worked where people email co workers 3 cubicles away, I'd go insane with the absurdity of my existence.

if I worked with a wacko I'd be uncomfertable with him weather he had a gun otr not.

I don't own any guns aside from my cap gun collection. there are a few WW2 era guns I'd love to own, Broomhandle Mauser w/ shoulder stock and a Luger, also w/ detachable shoulder stock. these IMHO are some really cool examples of industrial design and I'd imagine fun to shoot at a range. but I've never gone to a shooting range so...ehh...maybe someday.

but I'd be really PO'd if my right was taken away to collect these guns someday
Florida is a high crime state, the Gunshine state...a lot of gang activity. alot of drugs coming in.

the fact is criminals and wackos will always have weapons. personally I wouldn't feel safer knowing I couldn't buy a gun if I chose to.

I don't really think "the people" can defend themselves against the Govt. with just guns, if the Govt. wants to drop the hammer they will and they have much bigger guns. our only hope in this case is a revolt of the military towards the Govt. (which is a really good reason to have everyone serve some time in the military, not that I ever did) if it really came to that there's nothing an "insurgent" in Iraq can do that an American can't figure out how to do too. it sure wouldn't be pretty.

if I needed a gun, but couldn't buy one I'd just make one. you can't legislate reality away.

just my opinion anyway.
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
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