I've worked in a few, and now that I work in Foodservice I have met dozens of Country Club owners. I will tell you that 90% of the reason to join a CC is connections. It is a social group that is otherwise nearly impossible to penetrate. Inside said club are business owners, movers, shakers, and community leaders. If you're not interesting in such a situation, it's much cheaper to join a Golf Club as opposed to a Country Club.
Being part of the CC you have access to them in a laid back environment which is always preferable than meeting in a business setting. From what I've witnessed, simple friendships develop between various people for the love of the game (and the love of drinking). At the time of the friendship start, they were in different business arenas so had nothing to gain from each other. One or the other would lose or leave a job, and the other would help find employment vouching for said person.
The fact that you love the game is even better. It is well known that if you are horrid at golf and you join you're there to gain from the other members (new members under 35ish are given a pass for the most part).
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas
Last edited by Seaver; 06-24-2008 at 04:13 PM..