Originally Posted by dc_dux
will, IMO, its much more than that.
Something has become ingrained in the American psyche (or at least a signficant minority of Americans) that it is acceptable to ignore the Constitution and basic human rights for the sake of "protecting the homeland" from threats, real or imagined.
Group think, yes. But if people are singled out and have it explained to them, I believe that most would be able to make an informed and ultimately correct decision regarding torture.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
IMO, that is a far greater danger than terrorist.
Is it wrong that sometimes I just want to shake this country like I was a British nanny? Between a majority of my countrymen believing that the Earth is 6000 years old and this bizarre and irrational fear of "terrorists", I do feel like hijacking a national news feed and reading this country the riot act.