Originally Posted by ngdawg
To this and the others thinking if they work out before pregnancy, they'll be in better shape after.... 
For the record, I am not the one suggesting that I will be in better (or even similar) shape after pregnancy. I'm fully aware that my shape will change, most likely permanently... I don't have a problem with that, or at least I *didn't* have a problem with that. But a lot of men do. Not sure if you misread what I said, but that's the very idea I *disagree* with.
Personally, I'd like to be able to have a baby and *hopefully* have the time to work out, but also not feel insecure about my sex appeal if I don't have the time... and end up looking like 90% of real-world mothers out there (which is, extra pounds--not obese, but never going to be skinny again, that's for sure). I would like to accept and welcome my body for what it's going to be after the ordeal of a pregnancy or two, or three... and why is that so hard for some men to reconcile with "sexiness?" Again, I just don't get it.
I love the ancient idea of a woman's body being attractive if it had some extra weight on it (again, not obese--but extra pounds), because it signified fertility and health. I don't think anyone should be encouraged to remain fat, but if it's due to circumstances like pregnancy and child-rearing... well, can we pull our heads out of our asses a bit and have some respect for that body, instead of repulsion and rejection?