By the very definition of faithful:
Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, cause, or idea; loyal.
people that have "permission" ARE being faithful...they are being faithful to the idea that they and their S/O have about their sexual life, whether that includes outside sexual contact or not.
If Dave and I, or RB and Lurkette and StellaLuna all agree that our idea of outside sexual contact is OK, its just the same as Will and his partner agreeing its NOT ok....each group is staying faithful to THEIR idea.
I get so sick and tired of people trying to say that outside sexual contact is being unfaithful regardless of what my S/O and I think, it makes me wanna puke
funny story: Dave was in China working last year, he and his work buddies arranged to get a massage at the hotel they were at. I kidded with him about a "happy ending" and he pfft'd it off and said that wouldnt happen since it was the hotel staff doing it...I told him I thought he was wrong but ok.
I get a phone call the next day and the first words out of his mouth were "go ahead and say I told you so" to which I started laughing hysterically lol
Seems he got the only female, the other guys got males. She gave Dave his 1/2 hour massage when she says "Massage here (pointing to his torso and legs" over, Massage here (pointing at his weenie) cash only no charge to room"
He had no cash on him. Even though he "could have" and I wouldnt have said a word, he didnt.
boy were his workmates pissed they hadnt gotten a girl lol
Originally Posted by Redlemon
I am a massage therapist. I have never been asked for a happy ending. If I were asked, by either gender, the session would be over immediately, and I would still insist on payment for them wasting my time.
I dont care I'd still ask YOU any day