Originally Posted by Manic_Skafe
Wonderful sunset Tully.
I went to the Coney Island for the [URL="http://www.coneyisland.com]
Thanks, wish I had Photoshop or knew how to use Nero better. My shots never seem to "pop" like yours or those of many other on here. The sunset in my last shots simply doesn't convey just how awe striking it was.
On a side note- right before I took those shots I walked over to the fence of a nearby marina. Wanted to get a couple shots of some yachts moored there. A couple of these yachts were built at the same ship yard Tiger Woods' was made. I stood there for a moment and as I unzipped my camera case a security guard came flying up on a golf cart "No photos, no photos! You leave now! You leave now!" "Ok, chill dude, I'm leaving." Man "you must be this rich to even take a photo at this marina."