Hey all...thanks to those that replied to me questions about a new comp.
I did get the Dell XPS 630 here and it's set up ok so far w/ a 21 CRT as my primary monitor, a 42" Sharp Aquos as my secondary monitor. it seems to be working right...still need to tweak the color so the monitors match. they are sitting about a foot apart.
anyway...I was wondering about XP and it's auto updating...it seems to do it a lot. but then I was on that old NT rig which never updated anything automatically.
the thing is, out of the box IE looked similar to as it had on my old comp, then after an auto update it changed ?!? I can see this could get annoying.
I plan on getting another web browser, but haven't decided what I'll get. going to be re reading the firefox thread in a sec.
I'm also going to read the freeware thread to look for all those little apps for my day to day usage.
I sued to use Winamp and AcdSEE on my old comp...anything better for pics and music these days ?
I also used to use Zone Alarm but this has McAffee on it.
I used to have Nero on my old comp too but this thing has Roxio and Power DVD DX pre installed...haven't had a chance to use any of that yet.
overall just wondering if you guys have any advice for me on moving into my new home.