Originally Posted by ironman
The only advantage that a modchip will give you is to play game copies, nothing more, if you're after Virtual Console games, there's no need for a modchip, instead you need a copy (original of course) of Twilight Princess and a program that you can easily find via Google, and do not update your Wii to 3.3 as it removes the vulnerability that allows the hack to work, after you've made the hack, you can safely update to 3.3
What program would I use to get virtual console games?
What is a virtual game on a console? I do that all the time for PC but the hard drive for a Wii is small, how many virtual games could it possibly hold?
What does updating my Wii do? Since I'm a PC gamer I had no idea consoles could be "updated."
I admit I have a lot to learn about console gaming.