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Old 06-19-2008, 08:19 AM   #59 (permalink)
Stick it in your five hole!
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Location: Michigan, USA
Originally Posted by cybermike
I don't understand why you think you're paying for them to advertise to you. Do you ductape the logos of the Pepsi you drink in public, or if you had an awesome time riding rollercoasters in Six Flags do you keep it to yourself and tell no one because that'd be advertising? I can understand not wanting to support a brand like Nike. They make their products cheaper and sell them higher then many off name brands. It's not so much the advertising as it is a ripoff.

Just because a product makes you want to buy another product doesn't mean it's an advertisement. I buy Sequels to games I liked. That doesn't mean the first game was an advertisement. It had value in and of itself, The same goes for the Spore Character creator.

Honestly, I wonder how much money they are making considering the full Creature creator is 300MB, the Trial version is 200+mb and they're maintaining a free site to host everyone's uploaded creature. I'm SURE they're making money with it, but isn't that the whole point of developing games in the first place?
A demo is not a product, it is a portion of a product that the developer releases to generate interest in the actual product, or in other words, an advertisement. All of your analogies are for actual products and services that have brand names, which has nothing to do with anything I have said about this demo. That has more to do with Leto's portion of the discussion.

As for telling you how great something is = advertisement, what if I decided that I would only tell you my opinion for $10? Or even better, what if it was something I made or built, but would only show it to you for $10? That fits this situation better, and if someone really wanted to pay for someone elses opinion (ie review magazines) i have no problem with them, but I won't be a part of it.
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