I have no beef with anyone buying the demo, which is why I said my opinion is only important to my wallet, no one elses. To each his/her own. I do have a beef with a company expecting me to pay them to advertise to me. It would be akin to a dealership wanting me to pay them $100 to take a car for a test drive, and then give me a $50 credit towards the car if I buy it. I don't have anything against anyone who goes along with it, I'm just saying I'm not willing to be treated that way.
I would like to say that while I do have some strong beliefs regarding consumerism, I didn't intend for my initial comments to cause this much ruccus, and I'm sorry if it feels like this has turned into a threadjack. Regardless of EA's marketing practices, I am pretty excited about this game and its innovative features.
And Leto, you and your father are my heroes