Cemetary Fields
The green grassland shelters scarce species
a playground teems with kids playing games
the baseball diamond beckons young players
a memorial remembers her name
the grasshopper sparrow is protected
moms push their babes in the swings
a loud crack of the bat is heard
in the distance the meadowlark sings
kids scamper over the jungle gym
the ball escapes the glove
a small snake slithers through tall grasses
nearby there are little girls in love
the runner is rounding the bases
a vole peeks out from his hole
merry go round and round
home plate is his ultimate goal
the red tail hawk circles up yonder
a boy climbs up a rope
the throw to home plate is too late
and there will always be plenty of hope
in memory of SARAH JEAN ROY
The other day I visited one of my favorite parks and I found myself inspired.
The park is called “Cemetary Fields” because it is the site of a future cemetary.
Now it is used for recreational purposes; youth sports such as soccer, la crosse and baseball are played on the fields.
There is also a large area of native grasslands set aside to protect the endangered “grasshopper sparrow”.
Additionally the parents of a little girl who died of a rare illness built a wonderful kid’s playground at the park as a memorial to their daughter, Sarah Jean Roy.
The sands of time past keep shifting according to how we remember or forget or refashion it in hindsight, which is no sight at all.
Kajal Basu